
What is my crypto heroes?

My Crypto Heroes is a nonfungible token (NFT) game that offers players an opportunity to earn as they play. It's a massive-multiplayer role-playing game (MMORPG). Japanese company doublejump.tokyo that creates blockchain-based applications developed this complex game.

What can you do in mycryptoheroes?

《MyCryptoHeroes》最新最全入门攻略合集! (by JBB.ONE) Send your heroes into dungeons to collect EXP and find rare items, called Original Extensions (ERC-721 token). EXP can be used to level up your assets. Fight other players in competitive tournaments, tailored to different player strengths.

What is cryptoheroes?

CryptoHeroes is a DeFi platform that is all set to engage users on a new level by making yield farming a fun activity. Cryptoheroes will enable participants to collect Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) that represent unique superheroes based on the most famous comics and movies. Here are some other articles that you may be interested in:

What is crypto energy?

The crypto energy can be seen as your experience points, to level heroes and Original Extensions. Heroes are your battle minions. With them you create a team and battle nodes (PvE), do duels, or land/knight battles (PVP) Rarity: Legendary, Epic, Rare, Common, Uncommon. LV = Level.

